Roger Dinner is a licenced paralegal with the LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA and is the owner of GET LEGAL RESULTS and his background is from the Heating and Air-conditioning field and thus has an in-depth knowledge of the various trades. Because of his background he can relate to trades’ issues and the average person. Roger graduated from a recognized Paralegal Program in 2013 and wrote his licence in the same year. He is a firm believer in continuing education as the legal field is constantly changing. He has taken various courses ie–DISPUTE RESOLUTION, MEDIATION (Q.ARB DESIGNATION), FAMILY LAW, BASIC FAMILY NEGOTIATION & MEDIATION, SCREENING FOR FAMILY VIOLENCE, ABUSE AND POWER IMBALANCES are just some of the courses and continuing education that he is committed to.
Roger has a strong social conscience and is committed to volunteering and social issues in the community as his believe is if you are asking for the community to support you then you must support
the community. He is a former Board member of the Ontario Paralegal Association and is an ongoing member committed to the profession and the support of having a strong central voice to speak for the profession.
Roger is also a former chair of the following committees: Communication & Marketing as well as Regional Representation. His volunteer activities include: HABITAT for HUMANITY, FOOD DRIVES, PROSTATE FUNDRAISER among other volunteer activities.